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If you're on the web a simple Google search will turn up a lot of really useful website to help you study and revise. To make it easy for you we've made a list that you may wish to consider. Perhaps dedicate a study period or afternoon to looking through these sites for valuable information, tips and ideas. Simply click on the images to be taken directly to the website.

HSC Coach


A free resource for all HSC students at our school. There are videos with tips, tricks and study advice for most subjects. 



Contains excellent summary videos of most subject. If you don't have log in details, please see your teacher or Year Advisor.

Bored of Studies


A forum for students to share study notes, assignments and ideas.

HSC Help


This website contains links a a wide variety of other useful sites and documents. It has a general category as well as subject specific sites.

HSC in the Holidays


Watch the clip and check out the site. It may be something you are interested in to help you prepare for the HSC.


SMH Study Tips


Here's a great link put together by the Sydney Morning Herald. It's usually released each year just prior to the start of the HSC exams.

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